CAT 2021 exam admit card


On October 27 at 5 p.m., the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ahmedabad will release admit cards for the Common Admission Test (CAT) 2021

The entrance exam will be held on August 28 in over 400 test centres across 159 cities in India.

Around 2.31 lakh students have registered for the exam this year.

Students must bring their CAT 2021 admit card as well as a valid ID to the exam centre.

Students will be able to access CAT 2021 mock test links in the last week of October, and they will be able to take the mock test to gain a better understanding of the main exam.

How can I get a download?

1. Visit the official CAT 2021 website at

2. Select the ‘Registered Candidate’ tab.

3. Enter your application number and password on the resulting login page.

5. After successfully logging in, the CAT 2021 admit card will appear on the screen.

6. Download and save the admit card

7. Make a copy for yourself for future reference.

Where to download?

Students will be able to download the CAT 2021 admit card through the official website:

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