JEE Adavanced 2021: Results to be out on October 15.

The results of JEE Advanced 2021 results will be published on October 15 by IIT Kharagpur


IIT Kharagpur( Indian Institute of Technology ) will release the results of Joint Entrance Examination Advanced 2021 on October 15, 2021. JEE Advanced 2021 was conducted on October 3, 2021. The results will be available on the website, The results will include the subject wise marks , total marks obtained as well as ranks of the candidates. Candidates who appeared for Paper 1 as well as Paper 2 examinations will only be considered for ranking. The following steps help you to understand how the rank list is prepared.

  • The marks obtained in an individual subject ( For example Chemistry) in JEE Advanced 2021 include the marks scored by the candidate in that individual subject both in Paper 1 & Paper 2( For example, marks of chemistry in both Paper 1 & Paper 2).
  • The total marks include the sum total of marks obtained in individual subjects( Physics, Chemistry & Maths).
  • The rank list is prepared by considering the total marks obtained by the candidates.

The seat allocation process of JEE Advanced 2021 will start from October 16, 2021.

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